When it comes to beautiful, high-quality porcelain buffet platters and inserts, Porceletta has it all. We design and produce outstanding porcelain where each piece in our buffet platters and inserts collection is expertly crafted and wrapped with love.
Our items are not only beautiful but also created to outstandingly last in every regard. If you’re looking for a straightforward versatile and practical design, Porceletta perfectly understands your needs and fill any gap in your tableware collection of buffet platters and inserts.
Providing you with all your serving needs, we have the perfect infinite line of buffets platters and inserts. From boast platters, moon flat platters and platters with spoons to the round chaffing dish inserts with divides, in order for you to serve your bakeries, mezzas, sushi, seafood and mixed grills, not to forget the freshest and most satisfying entrées, sides, and desserts.
They say food presentation is just as important to the success of a dish as its taste and flavor. The way the food looks on buffet platters and inserts is essentially what tempts us and makes us want to grab a portion and taste it. With Porceletta, you don’t have to worry about your culinary art presentation, because with our buffet platters and inserts, your food will definitely become irresistible. Available in Dubai, KSA, Oman, and Qatar.